Hotel bans Lycra shorts due to ‘bulges’

A hotel in New Zealand has banned guests from wearing Lycra shorts as the ‘unsightly bulges’ are putting people off their food.


The Plough Hotel in Rangiora, New Zealand has banned breakfast and lunch guests from wearing Lycra cycling shorts after several complaints. Cyclists not getting changed after long rides and having their “bulges on show” have started to turn customers stomachs.

Luke Grice, part-owner of the hotel, told The Independent: “We’ve had a few people coming in here after long bike rides, a bit sweaty and stinky. There are customers having lunch who probably don’t want to see that kind of thing. So we thought we’d help them out, and keep it classy.”

Mr Grice has a sign outside the hotel reading: “The bicycle is a beautiful object but they never should have invested Lycra! No Lycra shorts allowed please”, which he has said most cyclists have taken in good humour and posed for photos with it.

“If there are hordes of cyclists outside threatening to bash us with their bike pumps we can always barricade ourselves in, we’ve got a bit of food and drink here so we should be able to outlast them,” Mr Saunders told