Cat accidentally taken on flight holds on for dear life [Video]

A cat isn’t something you’d usually look for during your pre-flight checks, however, this Club ULM 16-34 pilot may have to change his procedures after this stowaway was caught on video.

The cat, most likely having been rudely awaken from its nap comes into view at 37 seconds in the video, presumably trying to work out what the fuck is happening. At the 50 second mark the airborne moggy realises he is flying and decides to check whether there is a responsible pilot at the controls.

It is around this point the unfortunate realisation dawns that there is no feline suitable restraints on this particular aircraft.

Cat flying in glider
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck”

The pilot notices his extra passenger at the 1 minute mark and looks, as you would expect, rather shocked and begins to take them around for landing. The female passenger spots the cat at 1:37 and responds with a, “oh we brought a cat” and a happy smile. Fortunately, the pilot managed to bring the vehicle down for a smooth landing and avoid catastrophe.

The cat was not available for comment.