There was celebration in the air last week over at Casumo online casino as yet another lucky player pocketed the jackpot. This time the lucky punter was almost-but-not-quite 60-year-old Susan who bagged an amazing €3 million on Mega Fortune Dreams which makes her the third player in under four months who has hit the bigtime at Casumo online casino. This win, combined with the other jackpot payouts brings this year’s total to an impressive €10 million paid to lucky winners!
Casumo currently offers 20 free spins to new players and you can find out more information on how to claim them at and who knows you could end up like Susan! If you haven’t yet experienced Casumo for yourself then you are really in for a treat. Offering a huge and very diverse range of casino games and slots, including the ever-popular WMS Slots ( which offer hours of high quality entertainment as well as great prizes.
Susan spoke of her total shock as the screen started blinking before her as she hit the bigtime.
“I couldn’t believe my eyes, it’s so unreal. I mean, these things just don’t happen to people like us”, she said. She continues that her partner thought that something terrible had happened when she called him in a state of euphoric shock. He was just as surprised and shocked as her and kept repeating “this cannot be real”. Quite an understandable and normal response from someone who has just become a millionaire I imagine!
It was only when Casumo called her up to congratulate her on her big jackpot win that it finally started to slowly but surely sink in. Susan and her partner currently live in a small village and she is recently retired from her job working with the local council, taking care of elderly people. Susan describes herself as a dog lover, a bit of a crafter, and as someone who is dreaming of a bigger home.
“My partner loves cars and motorcycles so we will probably get a bigger house with a garage. All bikes are now stored at relatives. We haven’t yet decided how to celebrate the win, but we’ve been planning to throw a mutual birthday party later this year. For sure there will be an open bar at that party.”
Susan is a big fan of online casino games, but her go-to game of choice has to be bingo. The decision to play Mega Fortune Dreams which is one of the biggest and most popular progressive jackpots games, was a pure spur of the moment event. With just €9 left in her account, she decided to go for it and place a €3 bet. Little did she know that this would quickly turn into a jackpot of €3 million!